Friday, August 7, 2009

Best of the Worst

We all have our own ways of coping. There is nothing wrong with coping mechanism, it one of those things that lets us know we are human. Mine used to be to hook up with my best friends, Jack Daniels or Jim Beam. I dropped those 2 and replaced them with Ben & Jerry, but now I have a real boyfriend. I have been solo for so long that I have sort of forgotten the art of sharing, except with K-9s. The way I cope now is by filling my plate so full with outside stimulus that I'm too preoccupied to deal with the problem at hand (ie: my mother's death). So during and after the funeral proceedings, I was constantly agreeing to take other peoples dogs in to keep myself busy. The problem with this was that I totally forgot that I had offered to be with Terry during a very hard time for him. The anniversary of his wife's death was this week. Instead of keeping my promise to him, to be by his side, I have 8 dogs at my house. Needless to say, Terry is not the dog lover that I am, but then again, who is? I know, I know, I have said I'm never doing this again, but I'm just a girl who can't say no. .... anyway I have officially given myself top honors for "Worst Girlfriend of the Month".

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Shame on you! I would've just taken the dogs to Terry's and said you are a package deal!! I'm sure he'll forgive you!