Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Latest Guilty Pleasure

For those of you that enjoy music and dancing, "Glee" is the show for you. After winning a number of awards on the Golden Globes, I added the first season to my Netflix Queue. I could not stop watching it, and am now hooked. The musical and dance numbers are great, but that is just the start. The adjective riddled, sarcastic wit of the coach of the "Cheerios" will have you hitting the replay button so you can make sure you heard her correctly. The entire cast of characters is just that, a cast of characters. The mix of old tunes with the new is superb. If you haven't seen it yet, put it in your queue. I promise the only disappointment will be having to wait until April for the next season to start.


Rachel said...

Trey & I got addicted to Entourage. While he was on leave we watched the first 5 seasons. Netflix doesn't have season 6 yet and we can't wait for it! Glad you like Glee. I only watched it when my mom was visiting because Trey doesn't like the show.

Sara said...

Glee is the best. I'm in love with Mr. Scheuster.