Monday, July 4, 2011

Don't Be Afraid.

Why is "LOVE" so scary to some. I never worry about telling my friends that I love them. I don't think I've ever finished a phone conversation with Kris without saying "I love you". Life is short, love means different things. I love the sunshine, I love the color yellow, I love the smell of microwave popcorn. The Webster noun description is... strong affection for another out of kinship or personal ties. Holy Moly!! That would include all of Craven County, NC for me. Anybody who reads this post must list at least five loves.
My 5, in no particular order are (not counting Harper and Scout)....
1. Cuddling
2. Mac&Cheese
3. A good bike ride
4. Roller Coasters
5. Massage

I love all of you who read this.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE the feel of the wind on my face, while leaving the dock on an adventure or galloping a horse across a field.

I love the way a horse smells..always...

I love that I can my friend's mother and talk for hours..we can vent to each other about where we both are in our lives..she has given me such insight into the next stages past middle age into old age.

I love my patients..the ones that always ask about my family and remember my kids names, though we only see each other once a year.

I love Mike Breckenridge..

is that 5 yet? Valerie

Rachel said...

Besides my love for my husband & 3 daughters:
I Love:
1. Rainbows
2. Hugs
3. Mexican food
4. Living in Hawaii
5. Smell of fresh cut grass
6. Chocolate devotion from Cold Stone Creamery
7. The sound of my kids laughing
8. Having Emrey smile at me during her 4am feeding
9. Taking care of my family
10. You!!

Anonymous said...

Besides you I love:
the smell of Winslow's ears
nature in it's purity
feeling my heart open and swollen with joy
feeling gratitude