Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Rainy Day in Paradise

After breakfast Kris and I head back to our cozy little beach cottage to wait for Kevin. Kris breaks out the quilt squares for Rachel's shower quilt and I put them together in a color co-ordinated fashion. Which is not real easy when you have swatches from 30 different people. You've got to use them all or some one's feelings are going to get hurt. Maybe they should have thought of that before they picked their squares. Kevin is on his way. Kris breaks out her cross stitch. She is now working on Addie's Christmas stocking. May I just say this about Kris, she is amazing. She has about 4 Projects going at once, and they are all nicer than the next. I don't know where she finds the patience, let alone the time. Kevin gets in around 11:00 and I think we give him enough time to take his coat off and stretch then we want to hit the outlets. Now Kevin has just had knee surgery, driven 2 hours to the beach in a volkswagon while it's pouring, and is coming off a 17 hour day. I am sure the thought of shopping the outlets is exactly what he wants to do. Off we go. Oh yeah! It's raining cats and dogs.

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