Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Last Hurrah.

I know it's hard to believe we've been in Colombia for 2 days now and still haven't started seeing patients. Tomorrow I promise. Today we start with a round of yoga, led by Megan. Now don't let that pretty smile of Megan's fool you. When Donna and I joined the other 3 participants we expected a nice round of beginners yoga, maybe some sun salutations. NOT. I think Megan may have a black belt in yoga. Some of the positions she was getting into, I have only seen done by Chinese circus performers. Needless to say Donna and I sat a few positions out. After an hour with Megan I decided swimming laps would be my exercise of choice for the rest of my stay. After a day by the pool, the town of Giron invited us for an evening of entertainment. Giron would be where we spend the first 2 days of "Terry's road to Sainthood".
For our entire stay during the mission whenever we loaded onto the bus we were given a police escort. I'm really not sure why, but we were, courtesy of the governor's office. When I told the boy's (and girl) in green it was for the blog, this is what I got. The sacrifices I make for my blog to come to life. haha

1 comment:

The Gunning Family said...

Keep them coming - can't wait to hear more about your journey on the road to sainthood! Love, Donna