Monday, September 28, 2009

Meet Your Pony

Monday morning we all got to meet our horses. The cowboys got up real early to bring them in from the west field. We were there just in time to see them running into the corral.

My horse was a chestnut mare named "Cricket", Liza got a spicy little number called"Tex-Mex". Cricket was not as sweet as I would have liked. Once I had her saddle on and was cinching the girth, she turned around and bite the bejezus out of my arm.
Luckily I had a long sleeve sweatshirt on, but I wore a bruise on the back of my forearm for the rest of the trip. So much for my forearm modeling career.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Ouch! Cricket doesn't seem to be too friendly. I would've requested another pony!