Wednesday, November 18, 2009

3 Wishes.

Have you ever thought, I mean really thought, given the opportunity to have 3 wishes granted, what you would wish for. Of course if your running for Miss America, you would wish for World Peace, No starving children and Peace on Earth.
I took my 14 year old dog Bear to the vet yesterday, and 1 of my wishes would be for our pets to last the same number of days as we do. Bear has had Cushing Disease for the last 3 years, which has been kept at bay with twice weekly medication. His belly has been abnormally extended for the past few years which has been ultra sounded to make sure nothing else is growing inside. Yesterday, Dr. Etter drew blood to run another battery of test. The results should tell us if he has a thyroid problem. He has had blood in his stool from a medicine he's on for his joint pain, so that medicine will be replaced with something else. He has bumps and lumps all over. My poor boy is just getting old.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Famous Quotes

I think it was P.T. Barnum who coined the phrase, "There is a fool born every minute".
We recently had the 4th family meeting since my mother's passing. So many things came out at this meeting that I found myself speechless. If I were to put all my true thoughs in this blog it would turn into a book, and not a very nice one at that. So I have gone to my mentors for some of their views on a very troubling outcome.
Thomas Jefferson "He who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a 2nd and 3rd time, till at lenghth it becomes habitual".
"Honesty is the first chapter of wisdom".
Abraham Lincoln "If you forfeit the confidence of your fellow citizen, you can never regain their respect and esteem".
Benjamin Franklin "Lying rides upon debts back".
Shakespeare "It's as easy as lying".
Barbara Kingsolver "The truth needs so little rehersal".
My 2nd Grade Nun " Always tell the truth. If you can't always tell the truth, don't lie".
and last but not least. "Figures never lie, but liars always figure".