Monday, August 2, 2010

Shed Much

Kris and I went back to the shop after unloading and got down to the fun part, cleaning.
It's amazing what you find under furniture after 6 years. I think Kris found close to $10.00 in change, I found 5 tennis balls, 3 squeaky toys, 2 bones, packing peanuts, envelopes, tags and enough dog hair to make 3 small dogs.
After sweeping up most of the big stuff, Kris and I decided to get lunch and call it a day. We had both started at about 5:30am.
Monday morning I went over to do all the touch up to the shop. It took me about 2 hours to get it up to snuff. The only time I got a little misty was when I wiped off the nose prints from the glass front door. I will drop the keys off to the guys next door tomorrow. Another chapter closed. 22 days and a wake up until Hawaii.


Sara said...

I got a little misty eyed reading about you cleaning the nose prints from the door!

Rachel said...

I, myself, got a bit misty eyed reading about the nose prints. I can't wait until you get here!!

Donna said...

I bet those were sheep dognose prints! Hey- only screen doors here, so THAT task won't be necessary. xoxo