Saturday, June 16, 2012

Latest Bike Adventure

      One of the toughest parts about not keeping up with your blog is having to go back in your calendar to see what it is you've done.   That's right, I'm at the age where short term memory is shot.
So bear with me as I take you back in time, February 2012 to Costa Rica and my latest bike adventure.
         This is not my first trip to this part of Central America,  it is actually my 5th.  I always knew the bike company I travel with offered a bike trip through Cost Rica, but I also knew the terrain was very hilly with no shoulders and the drivers were all Indy 500 want-to-be's.  After reading the description in the brochure, rolling hills and a ranking of 201, I book it figuring we must be riding an entirely different part of the country.  I usually ride 301 tours, so this should be no problem.  This is also Tom's introduction to a biking vacation.  Oh boy, are we in for a surprise.

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