Monday, July 14, 2008

Ties in Baltimore

On Sunday Kris and I were invited to tea at our cousin Maura's house. After the garmin took us to Towson via the scenic route, it was fun catching up. Maura has just returned from a solo trip to London. While there she went to both the opening and closing of "Gone with the Wind" on stage, all in one sitting. I guess the Brits didn't care much about the turmoil in the colonies, but Maura enjoyed it. The fascinating portion of the day was when Uncle Bud came by and shared some of the past with us. It is amazing how much a part of our past is in Baltimore. I recognized a lot of the major road and neighborhood names, but unfortunately, knowing very little about the city myself, I'm going to have to wait for the guided tour. The ride home, when Kris and I compared notes, left me with alot of unanswered questions.....

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