Monday, September 8, 2008

What A Welcome

Well we're on the road again, and my butt feels like hamburger meat. The downside of renting a bicycle is you get the seat they give you. If I had any sense at all I would have taken the seat I'm used to, the one that I have named, the one that sat at home in the garage anxiously awaiting my return. I missed Clooney about 2 hours into day one's ride. Now I'm feeling everything. My butt has become like the Princess and the pea. OUCH!!
Burmis, Alberta is our final destination today, about 56 miles. The day started out great, we got an early start and actually stayed on the bike through Pincher. Can you believe it, we got there and they were throwing us a parade. There were signs that mention a 100th birthday for the town of Pincher Creek, but as far as I was concerned it was for us staying on our bikes. After the parade they were having a rodeo. We thought we might stay, but it didn't start until 2:00 and we still had 28 miles to get to Burmis. The fact that it was in 96 degree heat with no shade played a pretty big part in our decision. We had lunch at a Chinese,Italian, Mexican diner (something for everyone), then continued on our trek. The roads were pretty accommodating, but the sun was a little brutal on the last 15 miles. By the time we got to our B&B we were toast, but we rode the whole way. Looks like I'm going to need a new Indian name. How about "Wounded Saddle"?

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