Monday, December 29, 2008

Missing in Action

Well now that we've found Rachel, it seems I've been in hiding. Not to Worry, it has just been very busy at the shop. The last 2 weeks have been wonderful. If every week could be like Christmas week, I'd have a house on the water and in the mountains. Oh well, who needs 3 houses.
Now, let's try to catch you up. It never ceases to amaze me how many people bake during the holidays, myself included. I have had no fewer than 20 people bring me baked gifts. I am telling you, I ate my weight in sugar each week in the month of December. It got to the point where I went to bed with a major sugar headache 4 nights straight, and because of all the sugar there was NO sleep. I decided before lapsing into a diabetic coma, maybe I could share some of my cookies, heaven forbid I limit myself to 2 a day. I started putting them out at the shop, giving them to friends and the postman now thinks I'm Martha Stewart.
The season of giving, what a concept.

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