Monday, February 2, 2009

Full Day of Travel

I have set my alarm for midnight and unlike most people, I've already had 5 hours of sleep. I jump in the shower, towel off and throw the last few things in my bag. This includes among other things the final book in the "Twilight" series. Now this is no small book, and I tried to finish it before heading out just to avoid the extra weight, no such luck. After locking everything up nice and tight I walk to Donna and Jose's house for our 1:30am shuttle pickup. We get to Dulles at about 2:40 am, and pretty much own the airport. We get checked in and board our flight at 4:45am for a 5:45am departure. So far, so good. I put my shade down and open "Breaking Dawn". The plane taxis away from the gate, here we go. NOT. The snow is coming down pretty hard, so we have to pull back to the gate for deicing. No big deal, deicing shouldn't take longer than 25 minutes, tops. We've got an hour for our connection in Panama. While we pull in for deicing the Captain comes on and says there is a mechanical problem that needs to be checked out. Something one always loves to hear before take off. 2 and a half hours later, and one 5 pound book finished wheels are up. So much for our connection.

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