Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Party On.

The day after Donna's birthday celebration at the Chart House, Donna and I went to a friends house to celebrate their birthday...oh yeah, Donna's too.

Mick and Gisella went to South America on the mission with us. Actually Gisella is the driving force behind most of the Colombia mission work. We had a wonderful evening talking about missions past and one coming up in August. This mission will take us to Cuzco, Peru.

As much as I would like to polish off my halo, and say this is a totally altruistic move on my part, the truth is Machu Picchu and the Inca Trail have been on my bucket list for awhile now. And hey...if I can do a little good along the way, why not? Mick and Gisella had hiked the trail and had photos to prove it. Donna has already said that she would be taking the train, 1st Class no less. I feel like if I took the train I would be missing out on an adventure of a lifetime. Of course it's easy to feel like that now, I'm sure around day 2 of hiking straight uphill,sleeping outside, not bathing and barely being able to breathe in that impossible altitude, I will be rethinking my need for adventure. Anyone out there want to join me?

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I'll join you only if you push the double stroller the whole way! I'll carry the new baby in the baby bjorn! Seriously though, you are doing it the right way! Screw the train ride!