This is a very small group compared to the other bike trips I have been on. That probably should have been my first clue. From left to right we have Les, a landscaper from San Francisco, Sandy a devote J.A.P., me, I guess the high tops were a dead give away, Tom, no description necessary and Paul, an orthopedic surgeon and Sandy's husband.
Our first day, only 18 miles, starts at the base of the Arenal Volcano region. Starting at the base of anything should have been my 2nd clue.
. Our first stop is Iguanaville, for obvious reasons. Tourist are brought here by the bus loads to snap photo after photo of these prehistoric creatures. I know this because this is my 3rd visit on 3 separate trips to this location, albeit never in a bus. It really is amazing to see thousands of these beauty's just lounge on the tree branches. It is not the stop for the reptile squeamish.
After about 10 minute of oohing and awing we are off to start our first climb. Did I mention this is only an 18 mile ride? 18 miles is something I can usually do before breakfast, not so much if it's all uphill. By about mile 5 with an 8percent grade I am not happy. Sandy is still on her bike, so I'm not stopping. By mile 5.5 Sandy is walking her bike uphill and I am in granny gear (the lowest) barely moving. Mile 7 Sandy calls it quits and I thank Baby Jesus that she has stopped. I ride maybe another inch before I follow suit. We get in the support van and proceed to tell each other all the things wrong with our bikes. I drink a gallon of water and just hope that my face is not confused with a tomato to be used on anybodys lunch. So much for gentle rolling hills.